re: Brevity vs. Clarity

Anthony Colangelo recently posted a pretty interesting article on ALA, comparing abbreviated class names with non. If you haven’t seen it already, I recommend giving it a read. I am writing in response because this issue also happens to be in relation to one of my biggest pet peeves, indecipherably obtuse class names.

I’m of the firm belief that a code-base should be self-documenting as much as possible, even if at the expense of a few extra bytes. It makes a project more maintainable when what is happening is available at a glance, rather than having to sift through documentation. Even if you, as the current developer in the current time, know what’s going on because you’ve been knee-deep in the project and can tell without a second thought that tc stands for total cost, who’s to say that you’ll know what it means in a few months or that another developer will know?

The problem of maintainability becomes a two-fold one with css. We have to worry about our class names in both the html and the css source. While we can have our class names documented and commented in our css files, making it easier for developers to parse and understand:

 * Price list
 * A list for different prices and totals
.listP { /* ... */ }

 * Total Cost
 * Used to style the final purchase price of the user's
 * cart, after shipping and taxes.
.tc { /* ... */ }

When another developer first comes across this class it’s most likely not going to be in a nicely commented stylesheet. It’s going to be someplace in the html and completely devoid of the commenting we did previous:

<ul class="listP">
   <!-- ... -->
   <li class="tc"> ... </li>

Time then has to be spent going through stylesheets to find what these classes actually pertain to. Time that might not have to be spent if the naming conventions were more clear.

Of course, tc is a pretty dramatically abbreviated class name, and we wouldn’t see anything like in the wild. So what about about ttlCst, totalCst, or any number of abbreviated names? Sure they are now more understandable, but total-cost or even totalCost is still going to be the easiest to read and understand.

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