Getting Setup With TypeScript and Node.js

To get started using TypeScript with Node.js, the first thing you’ll have to do is install TypeScript itself. The TypeScript site itself has a pretty good intro itself, but I’m going to cover some of the things that I wish had been more clear starting out.

Assuming you have Node.js and NPM installed, the first thing you’ll want to do is actually install typescript itself:

npm install -g typescript

If you don’t already have Node.js and NPM installed, you’ll want to do that.

Hello World!

To get started, let’s make a familiar “Hello World” program. First, create a folder to house your little project. Then create a file, hello.ts with the following code:

let message: string;

message = 'Hello World!';


You can then compile this:

tsc hello.ts

And run the output:

node hello.js

If all went well, you should see a nice, friendly “Hello World!” output to the console where you ran the last command.

Examining the compiled JavaScript

After running the above, you might be curious about the quality of the JavaScript that your TypeScript is being compiled to. Well, in my short experience, TypeScript seems to be pretty efficient about the JavaScript it outputs. Looking at your hello.ts program again:

let message: string;

message = 'Hello World!';


You can also check the hello.js that it compiles too, and if you’re setup is anything like mine you should see the following:

var message;
message = 'Hello World!';

Pretty similar, but the let was changed to a var. Less than ideal. This is because TypeScript (at least at the time of writing this) targets an older version of the EcmaScript specification than the latest and greatest by default. Luckilly, it’s pretty easy to fix this.

The first thing you’ll want to do is create a tsconfig.json file, so you can configure the TypeScript compiler. Luckilly, getting a tsconfig.json file to play with is as easy as:

tsc --init

This will create a tsconfig.json file with a lot of stuff already set inside of it. You’ll want to open that tsconfig.json and edit the target value:

  compilerOptions: {
    "target": "es6",        // By default this will be "es3" or "es5", we want to use
    "module": "commonjs",   // the new JS though, so we want "es6"
    // ... a lot more lines of stuff ...

After you’ve edited and saved the configuration, you can then compile again:


Notice that I haven’t specified hello.ts this time. This is because tsc will already automatically compile all TypeScript files in the directory, so specifying a target file is unecessary. Also, because of a strange quirk where the tsconfig.json is ignored if you specify a target file. If you want to learn more about these quirks, as well as the other configuration options, the documentation has you covered.

This should have created the hello.js file again, but this time:

"use strict";
let message;
message = 'Hello World';

Great! Everything is there as you’d expect it. You even have a "use strict"; statement, which was missing from the first compilation.

Skip some steps with ts-node

Our program is nice, but, if you’re like me, you’ll likely wish you could skip the compilation step, at least for debugging. Luckilly, that’s easilly done with the ts-node module. I wouldn’t recommend this solution for running your TypeScript in a production environment, but it’s just fine for development and quick testing.

First install the ts-node module with npm:

npm install -g ts-node

Then you can use ts-node to run your TypeScript directly, the same as you would with a JavaScript file and Node.js:

ts-node hello.ts

Again, If all went well, you should see the same friendly message as before. Also, unlike with tsc, when you specify the file to run with ts-node it’ll use your tsconfig.json to tell it how to interpret the TypeScript that it’s running, so you don’t have to worry about your configuration being ignored.

Using NPM Modules In TypeScript

One of the most useful things about Node.js is its robust ecosystem of packages, which you can add to a project through the node package manager, NPM. If you’re going to write a Node.js project, chances are you’ll want to use some of these packages. However, if you’re writing your Node.js project in TypeScript there are some extra steps that you’ll have to do.

The majority of NPMs packages are written with just Node.js in mind, and that means plain, vanilla JavaScript. That means no type information or signatures for TypeScript to go off of; JavaScript is loosely typed after all. So, if you want to use those NPM packages, you’ll need that type information so that TypeScript knows what’s up.

From what I’ve seen of different tutorials (quite a few outdated by now), there were a few different ways of getting that type information in the past. However, the prescribed way to do it is also through NPM.

Most of the popular packages on NPM will also have an @types counterpart, which contains the type information for it. So when you install a package:

npm install chalk

You can usually also install the types for it:

npm install @types/chalk

Then you can use those modules in a programs. Going back to the example from before, hello.ts:

import * as chalk from 'chalk';

let message: string;
message = 'Hello World!';

ts-node hello.ts

That should output the same as above, but this time (if your console supports it) the output will be blue.

With this you should now have the basics necessary to get started using TypeScript as your language to build Node.js applications. If you have any questions or comments feel free to leave them in the comments section below and I’ll try to help you out.

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